Changes to the redevelopment plans are in the works at the Alliant Energy Center.
Interim Executive Director Sharon Corrigan says this is not a scale back, but it is about cutting costs.
The first plan included a second floor above a new ballroom.
Taking the infrastructure and cost of elevators and escalators into account, that all came to a price tag of about $150 million.
This new plan gets rid of that second floor, and keeps the 30,000 square foot ballroom, which cuts that cost down to about $80 million.
Corrigan said the ultimate goal is to support Madison’s economic growth.
"The changes are not a downsizing, they are a re-configuring of how it would be built, so instead of two stories, it's one story, it's less expensive to build that way, but we're getting the same usable space," Corrigan said.
The redevelopment committee will meet again to discuss the plans in April.
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