Event Details

Veterans Memorial Coliseum 1919 Alliant Energy Center WayMadisonWisconsin53713United States
/Portals/0/NADevEventsImages/Screenshot 2023-08-14 162342_80.jpg

Bulls, Bands, and Barrels With Riley Green

Event Locations
Veterans Memorial Coliseum

Event Website:Event Phone Number: bullsbandsandbarrels.com/

Event Start Date: 9/16/2023

Event End Date: 9/16/2023

Event Tickets: Ticketmaster.com

Bulls, Bands and Barrels is a premier western sports competition and entertainment tour featuring bull riding, barrel racing, bullfighting and up and coming national country music artists. “This ain’t your grandpappy’s rodeo,” the trademark BBB slogan, encapsulates the spirit of the BBB experience. This professionally produced tour brings top talent in western sports and country music to fans throughout the southeast and beyond. Bull riding and barrel racing, long considered standard rodeo events for a variety of western sports organizations, come to life and are showcased in a brand new way on the Bulls, Bands and Barrels tour. Bull riding, often referenced as the most popular of event offerings at rodeos, makes up one third of the western sports component of BBB. Barrel racing, another of the top two competitions in rodeo, is one of the most unique events in the rodeo world, truly one of the fastest and makes up a third of the BBB event as well. The final component, freestyle bullfighting with the Ultimate Bullfighters (UBF), showcases top talent in bullfighting competition when bullfighter and bull meet mano a mano for 90 seconds where, in the end, only one can be the victor. Each event on the Bulls, Bands and Barrels tour is a two-hour fast paced extravaganza set in a country music festival environment. The entire Bulls, Bands and Barrels Tour features top level talent in each western emphasis while also providing top entertainment talent as a unique bonus for fans to enjoy an all in one, four events on one affordable family priced ticket, experience.
